I’m a failure

Four months ago I launched my full-time coaching business and I failed.

Yep, you heard it here first, I’m a failure.

I’ve failed many times in many ways.

Now if you’re thinking this is some motivational post where I’m going to tell you how failing is awesome, well, I’m sorry, you’re wrong.

Failing is not awesome. It sucks. It sucks hard.

The one good thing about failing is getting it over with. Because we all fail. We all fail at something at some time.  It builds humility or whatever. To err is human, or so some dude said several hundred years ago.

But, really, of course I have failed. Being a full-time business owner is new to me. Some stumbles are to be expected. And I’m sure there’s some quote by some guy about how failing is sign of doing some epic shit.

And, well, at the end of the day, failure is all relative. What feels like failure may not be. So I failed to meet a goal. So I failed to know what I could not have known without experience. So I failed, so what?

So what’s next?

What’s next is I keep going. I learn what I can and try again. I keep trying. Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins once said something about how humans are lame morons for trying but that’s what makes them amazing.

Well then, I must be an amazing lame moron because I’m going to keep trying. I’m going to keep going. I’m going to succeed.

When I was younger my family was on welfare. I was one of those kids with my name on tree at the mall so a stranger could buy me a Christmas present. I graduated high school in Colorado without a winter coat. I started working and worked my way up to become a successful career professional. I succeeded, though not all at once and not without a little failure.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work and I’m not afraid of a little hard work. I got this. I’m going to accept my failures as they come, and I’m going to keep going and trying.

If you want to follow me as I keep going, as I keep trying, sign up for my biweekly newsletter (and maybe help me feel a little bit less of a failure, I’m just sayin’)!


Chrysta Bairre 2016

If you like what you just read, check out my book, Beautiful Badass: How to Believe In Yourself Against the Odds for more content like this!

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