Just be

You’re not a human doing, you’re a human being.

You may have noticed this little corner of the blogosphere has been quiet lately. I’ve been taking some time- time to be.

A little over a year ago I took a leap of faith and since I began this new life adventure I’ve learned a lot. Really, a lot.

After all these new lessons and new experiences I found myself thinking. And thinking. And thinking and thinking and thinking. I pondered my life and I asked myself, “what’s next?” The answer never came. I wasn’t going to think my way out of this one.

Progress isn’t always forward motion

It wasn’t a conscious decision to stop trying to figure out what it all meant. I suppose I just stopped trying because I was tired of thinking much. I stopped thinking and I stopped pondering and I stopped (or paused) blogging.

As it turns out, the way out is through. I didn’t need to figure out what I’d learned and what it meant, I just needed to be.

Progress isn’t always forward motion. Now that I’m writing this out, it occurs to me that more often than not my path is revealed to me when I stop trying to figure out what’s next.

Living for today

I’ve spent the last few months just being. Living my life day-to-day, not judging or questioning or planning. It was just what I needed.

Here I am, inspired once again to share this amazing life journey with you. Refreshed and renewed and taking each day as it comes.

Sure, I have ideas and goals and plans but mostly I’m just enjoying life for what it is. I’m not focusing on tomorrow, I’m reveling in today.

So I ask you, dear friends, when was the last time you stopped doing so much? Stopped planning and working and thinking? When was the last time you simply experienced your life and appreciated the ups and the downs, realizing that right here, right now, life is pretty good?

I invite you to take a moment to just be. Heck, take a day. No matter where you end up tomorrow, you only have today.


Want more of this content? You’re in luck – I have a whole book full of it! Click here to check it out!


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