5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

It’s mid-December and the holiday season is in full swing. Flu season is upon us. Students are staring down finals. There is much to do and precious little time to do it.

And is it just me or are there just a lot of changes happening ? I got news of 2 big changes to my personal and professional situation this month. I view change as opportunity but even still there’s always a bit of discomfort, upheaval, and general craziness that comes with change. With everything that’s going on, it’s easy to put self-care last on my list of to-dos.

Of course, I learned some time ago that my life is most awesome, and I’m at my most awesomest, when self-care is at the top of my list!

So for me, and for you, here’s 5 ways to take care of yourself! (And, hey, if you happen to find this post outside the holidays you can still use these tips. I’ll still be using them.)

5 Ways to Take Care of Yourself

01. Take a break

Do I sound like a broken record every time I mention taking breaks? Apparently I need the reminder because when work gets busy I stop taking breaks.

Maybe that goes for you, too. Or maybe taking breaks is a habit you haven’t made yet. Well, here’s your chance. Give yourself a break and take a break! It can be a break during the workday, or even just a break from shopping, cooking, cleaning, present wrapping, etc. Just take a break.

02. Give yourself “me time”!

I have much to do during the holiday season which means I need more “me time” than usual. I’ll schedule my “me time” if I have to!

Give yourself a nice holiday gift of “me time”. It’s the cheapest and best gift you can give yourself. You might not be an introvert like me but even extroverts need some self-indulgent downtime to yourself, right? (Tell me if I’m wrong!)

03. Relax and recharge

Now I admit I’m one of those people that hates to miss out and so I’m tempted to accept every invitation that’s extended to me only that’s not a good idea because I know from experience I need take time to recharge and relax. Sometimes I need to turn down invitations, or suggest alternative activities that allow me to enjoy a little R&R.

You’ll be a much happier and healthier person if you find some time to recharge so do yourself and your family/friends/co-workers a favor and relax!

04. Let go of expectations

The holidays are often jam-packed full of expectations and obligations! I know this and yet I still get caught up in wanting to find just the right gift, or sending out holiday cards to everyone I ever knew, or baking cookies for the neighbors. And let’s be honest now, there’s often some gift-receiving expectations.

Expectations will drive you crazy every time! There’s so much that’s out of your control and instead of focusing on what you want and what you want to get done, stop and appreciate what you do have and what you can actually, reasonably, realistically get done.

05. Have fun

When did the holidays become a chore? Note to self: if it’s a chore, you’re doin’ it wrong!

doing it wrong

I invite you to join me in having fun this holiday season. Enjoy whatever it is you’re doing. Find fun in each moment. Celebrate the little things. And, please, oh please, have a laugh at my goofy picture, above!

I love your comments! What other ways are you taking care of yourself this holiday season? Please share!

Did you enjoy this content? There’s a lot more where this came from in my book, “Beautiful Badass: How to Believe In Yourself Against the Odds!” Check it out!

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