Asking for recognition is a self-honoring action.

Knowing what kind of recognition motives you is a great first step towards loving your work-life. The next step is sharing your recognition motivators with management.

A recent Office Team survey suggests that administrative professional’s second-highest valued recognition is having a boss or other manager share an achievement with senior management.

Accepting praise can be uncomfortable for some, and asking for more can feel downright scary! The truth is only you know what you want and only you can ask for what you need from others. Asking for your needs to be met, and accepting whatever answer you receive, is a self-loving, honest and self-honoring action.

So how do you go about asking for the recognition you desire? I recently received a nice complement from an upper-level manager. I didn’t want to pass up this opportunity to ask for what I wanted. A quick search led me to Tory Johnson’s article, How to Ask for Recognition, and I followed Tory’s suggestion. I sent an email to the complimenting manager, thanking her for her comments and recognition of my efforts, and I asked if she would mind passing along her compliments on my work, as she felt appropriate, to my new boss. She responded to tell me she’d be pleased to share her praise.

Sending that email I felt nervous, and I also felt proud of myself for asking for help. Loving my work-life starts with loving myself, acknowledging my accomplishments and sharing my achievements. Be brave and love your work-life!

”The rewards go to the risk-takers, those who are willing to put their egos on the line and reach out to other people and to a richer, fuller life for themselves.” –Susan RoAne

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